The first scientific publication on INRS software for the analysis of workplace exposure measurement data dates back to 1993 (1). At the time, software called Startrex was made available. The statistical methodology was then common to chemical measurement data and noise measurement data.
In 1996, a first update was made available and the name Altrex appeared at that time. Two publications support this tool (2) (3). The methodology described in the old version of standard EN689 is used, it implements in particular the concept of « uncertain risk» which sometimes leads to the impossibility of concluding an exposure diagnosis.
In 2005, a new version of Altrex was made available, this time taking the name of Altrex Chimie. The possibility of using Altrex with noise exposure data has been removed. Altrex Chimie becomes exclusively dedicated to chemical substances. Between 2005 and 2014, several versions of Altrex Chimie were made available, implementing various technical features. In 2009, French Decree No. 1570 on the control of exposure to chemical substances in the workplace (4) supports the relevance of the methodological choices made by INRS. Indeed, Altrex Chimie makes it easy to carry out the statistical process described in the decree. In 2014, a minor update of Altrex Chimie adjusted the vocabulary used and the default settings in order to facilitate its use in the regulatory framework. In 2016, specifications for a completely revised new version of Altrex Chimie were drawn up and led to the start of software developments in 2018, concomitantly with the revision of the EN689 standard (5).
Since early 2020, the new version of Altrex Chimie is online.
(1) : Vincent R, Cicolella A, Wild P, Servais M. Méthode de traitement statistique des résultats de mesure d'exposition aux substances chimiques : le logiciel Startrex. In Strasbourg : Presses Universitaires de Nancy ; 1993. p. 311-26.
(2) : Vincent R, Wild P, Thiéry L, Leplay A, Marcenac F, Despres B. Altrex : un logiciel pour l'analyse statistique et l'interprétation des résultats de mesures. Cah Notes Doc l'INRS - Hygiène Sécurité Trav. 1998 ; 172:273-80.
(3) : Leplay A, Despres B, Vincent R, Wild P, Thiéry L, Aubrun JC. Altrex Logiciel d'interprétation de résultats de mesures d'expositions professionnelles. Arch Mal Prof. 1996 ;5:402.
(4) : Journal officiel de la République Française. Arrêté n° 2009-1570 du 15 décembre 2009 relatif aux contrôles techniques des valeurs limites d'exposition professionnelle sur les lieux de travail. 2009.
(5) : AFNOR NF EN 689 - NF X43-279 - Mesurage de l'exposition par inhalation d'agents chimiques - Stratégie pour vérifier la conformité à des valeurs limites d'exposition professionnelle (supersedes EN 689:1995). 2018.
'Altrex Chimie - Release 1.12, online since 06/27/2024.
Computation library updated on 06/24/2022 à 01:45 pm.
The substance table of AltrexChimie has been updated following the publication of the decree no. 2024-307 of April 4, 2024 (amendment) to take into account the evolution of certain OELs (Acrylonitrile, Benzene, and Nickel) and the corrections made.
Altrex Chimie is an application that helps you to establish the chemical sampling strategy and interpret the results.
Altrex Chimie makes it possible to define the Similar Exposure Groups, to enter the measurements carried out in your company and to conduct the statistical analysis. It is both a management tool that helps to track and archive exposures, and an analytical tool that helps to make the right decisions about exposures.
Altrex Chimie meets the recommendations of the European standard EN-689 and the recommendations of the French regulations.
Altrex Chimie is partially online: by using Altrex Chimie, you are responsible for backing up and archive your data files, whereas the computation is online.
Altrex Chimie produces statistical analysis reports, graphs and data tables. Everything you see on the screen can be copied and pasted into office software. You can compose your own reports as you wish. Only the detailed exposure diagnosis report can be retrieved in a standardized format.
The statistical hypothesis used by Altrex Chimie are common in the field of exposure evaluation. They are established in compliance with the norms and decrees of French regulations, but also with regard to the state of the art. The methodology is detailed in the help of Altrex Chimie.
The results obtained using this application remain statistical indicators and as such, they must be analyzed and interpreted in order to derive useful and applicable conclusions to prevent chemical risks.
No data is stored on INRS servers.The user of Altrex Chimie remains the sole responsible for the final use of the results from the calculation which constitute one of the elements of a prevention approach.
Altrex Chimie is optimised with Chrome and Firefox internet browsers. Altrex Chimie is not optimised for Internet Explorer 9.